
Exterior Airplane Pressure Washing

There are three ways apply Aero-Green Aircraft cleaner to airplanes. Using a Mop / Soft Broom, foam generator or low pressure power washer to wash airplanes of smaller sizes (such as Cessna 172/182, King Air, Helicopters, etc.). Keep in mind if using the power washer that the nozzles should be kept clean at all times because clogged nozzles will increase the pump pressure and eventually damage it. If the nozzle becomes clogged, clean it or replace it with a new one.

Planes get very dirty and the dust that settles on the surface gets streaked by rain. Hydraulic parts often leak oil as well. Many times during a landing pilots reverse the thrust of the engines to slow down, throwing exhaust onto the plane's sides and tail. Then there is also a problem with bugs. If a plane isn't pressurized and it's flying below 12,000 feet, it's going to land with a lot of dead bugs on it. A clean plane is a safe plane and it gets better gas mileage, too.

Private airplanes must be washed once a month to remove grime that causes drag in flight and cuts into fuel efficiency.
  • Always Work small sections at a time.
  • Begin power washing from a distance of 3-4 feet and cover the area 3-4 feet wide.
  • Work from the top toward the bottom and from the tail toward the nose.
  • Tail Area:  The tail is the dirtiest area and should be your starting point for washing planes. The use of an extension wand is recommended for cleaning high areas from the ground. Do not use a ladder in order to pressure wash high points since the recoil from the pressure can knock you off balance.
  • When cleaning the tail, turn the rudder first right and then left so you wash off the area that is visible when rudders are in use.
  • Fuselage: Start from the bottom and work your way up when cleaning the fuselage. Caution: DO NOT spray the windows of an airplane, especially the windshield. The windows are made from a fine material and can be scratched very easily.
  • Windshield: To wash the windshield of airplanes, use a soft cloth and window-approved cleaning solutions, this way you will avoid streaking.
  • Engine: Once you get around the engine area, use extra amounts of detergent because this is the place where you will find large blackened areas caused by engine exhaust. When cleaning engines wash the area between the body of an airplane and the engines. Many times this is the place where you will find the bird residuals.
  • Wings: After completing this area, pressure washes the wings and the flaps. Remember to pull down the flaps so you can wash off the area that is not visible unless the flaps are in use, and don't forget to wash the bottom of the wings.
  • Wheels: The last, is the wheels. Wash them thoroughly with plenty of detergent and if necessary use the brush. Let the detergent sit for a couple of moments but no longer than 10 minutes
  • Rinse: Rinse the airplane with plenty of fresh water.
  • Do not wash an airplane in the sun or while the surface is hot because cleaning solutions may have a negative effect on the paint if let sit for too long.
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